Sunday, November 10, 2019

November 2019 Meeting Reminder - Trunk Show with Beth Norris

Reminder- Cactus Patchers’ meeting this Tuesday, November 12 at the Pyle Center in Tempe at 6 PM (meeting starts at 6:30 PM). Claire will be our Master of Ceremonies and Diane D will provide our raffle basket.

We have a guest this month, Beth Norris will provide a trunk show and small hand projects.

Cactus Patchers’ is looking for a volunteer to be our Chatter Submitter. We can talk at the meeting on Tuesday. Could be as simple as writing a few bullet points or short statements about our current events, gathering a few photos of meeting, and submitting to the Chatter editors. Think on it. Less than an hour a month and you can help!

See you Tuesday!