
Chapter Meeting Information

Cactus Patchers meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month (except Aug, Nov & Dec - 2nd Tues only) at the Pyle Center. The Pyle center is located at 655 East Southern Ave in Tempe, next to the Tempe Public Library at the southwest corner of Southern and Rural. 2nd Tuesday meetings are 6:30p-8:30p (doors open at 6p) and 4th Tuesday meetings are 3:00p-8:00p.

How to Join

Becoming a member of the Cactus Patchers is easy! Attend a meeting and let the membership chair (who will greet you at the door) know that you are a guest. Guests may attend three meetings for free before joining. If you would like to become a member of Cactus Patchers ask for a membership form. Dues for Cactus Patchers are $20 per fiscal year (July 1-June 30) and are due when you join and each July 1 thereafter. Dues cover the cost of room rental, speaker fees, the annual Holiday party and other operating expenses of the group.

Cactus Patchers members must also join the Arizona Quilters Guild, since we are a chapter of the Guild. Your Arizona Quilters Guild dues help support the annual quilt show, speakers bureau, national education teachers and other operating expenses of the group. There are 2 Guild meetings per year that all members are welcome to attend. The Arizona Quilters Guild dues are $35 per year for new members (early renewal discount in April-June = $30). You can obtain an Arizona Quilters Guild membership form at a Cactus Patchers meeting or print one from the Arizona Quilt Guild website.  You can also join AQG online!