Sunday, September 8, 2019

September 2019 Meeting Reminder - Big Stitches with Julie Faint

Are you ready for our next meeting? I am. As you arrive or during a break, check in with Barbara to confirm your email and get your CP membership card.

To go along with our program, here’s a great article about various thimbles available from Clover:

And, this month’s program is Julie Faint, who will demonstrate “long stitch, hand quilting”. If you’d like to stitch along, please bring a small quilt sandwich to practice with.

Julie is a member of Nimble Thimbles and was referred to us by Cindy. Suzanna is preparing a program for us for February 2020. If you have ideas on future programs, don’t be shy, contact Carlene with your ideas.

Other topics that Claire, our Master of Ceremonies will cover at the meeting are:
  • Quilt show: Quail Country Quilters present “A Covey of Quilts”
  • AQG 2019 Fall Membership Meeting
  • AQG Quilt Show: Quilt Arizona! 2020 “Desert Stars”
  • Charity/Community update: QOV annual renewal and AZ Blankets 4 Kids
  • Also, get ready for Carlene’s raffle basket

See you at the Pyle Center in Tempe at 6 PM (meeting starts at 6:30 PM), this Tuesday, September 10.