Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Motley bazaar! is finally here! April 9, 2019

WE HAVE DONATIONS! They have been sorted into categories, folded (if fabric), and made ready for the Bazaar on Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at 6:30pm.

If you are bringing a donation on Tuesday, please arrive nearer to 6:00pm so we can make room for your item(s).

We have LIVE AUCTION items, SILENT AUCTION items, and miscellaneous items, in addition to loads of name brand, various size (including yardage) fabric at $2.00 per yard!. If you are donating baked goods, thank you for not getting them to us already!

Bring a friend or two (or three!), your checkbook and/or cash and a tote bag!
See you Tuesday!